Pohoda 2013. Na Kráľovských filharmonikov máme iné tričká. Pozri dole.
We have different T-shirts ready for The Royal Phil. Scroll down.
V prvom rade ďakujeme všetkým, ktorí nás doteraz podporili, či už morálne alebo finančne. Zdá sa, že je to na dobrej ceste a naozaj by sme sa mohli dopracovať k vytýčenému cieľu. Aby ste videli, že sme medzičasom nezaháľali, tu sú dva tucty video a audio nahrávok najrôznejších verzií všetkých 16 tancov, zo Slovenska i z USA.
Many thanks to all who supported us so far, whether morally or financially. It seems we are on our way to reach the desired target. However, until we get there, to show you we were quite busy in the meantime, here are two dozens of audio and video tracks with different versions of all 16 Dances, both from Slovakia and US.
1. Ej, zalužicko poľo / The field of Zaluzice
choreographed dance in NYC-video
performance at Kosice theater - video
new york pianos - video
instantencore track - orchestral performance with Kosice state Phil - audio
2. Oddavac me budu / They will get me married
concert performance at State Philharmony Kosice - video
piano trio version by NY musicians - video
3. Dzifče počarovne / You enchanting girl, you...
folk music group - video
4. Humeňanski koscelok / The little church of Humenne
piano improvisations -audio
a short movie impression of Slovakia with piano impro - video
5. Jaj mamičko, svrbí ma / Oh, mother dear, it itches
instantencore track - orchestral performance with Kosice state Phil - audio
new york pianos - video
6. Kvitne drobná ďatelinka / Tiny clovers blooming
a short movie impression of Slovakia with piano impro - video
7. Uspávanky / Lullabies
piano improvisations -audio
a short movie impression of Slovakia with piano impro - video
8. A muj ocec veľka balamuta / My father is but one big headache
concert performance at State Philharmony Kosice - video
9. Píšťalôčka moja - Ititi, ititi / My little whistle - Ititi, ititi
Stano Paluch and friends improvisations - video
10. Na Kráľovej holi / On the King's Mountain
concert performance at State Philharmony Kosice - video
piano improvisations -audio
Stano Paluch and friends improvisations - video
11. Šaľena ja bula / I must have been crazy
instantencore track - orchestral performance with Kosice state Phil - audio
new york pianos - video
12. Na košickej turňi / On the watchtower of Kosice
instantencore track - orchestral performance with Kosice state Phil - audio
13. Vravela mi moja mati nesedávať potme/ My mother told me not to sit in the dark
concert performance at State Philharmony Kosice - video
14. Šňila še mi v Americe novina / I had this dream in America
Stano Paluch and friends improvisations - video
15. Staré dievky, čo robíte? / What are you doing, old spinsters?
Stano Paluch and friends improvisations - video
16. Kapura, kapura / You little gate with bars
Stano Paluch and friends improvisations - video
Viacej infomácií / More info
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