So I just learned that I "saved a movie". In Ira Sachs' "Love is Strange" (with Alfred Molina, John Lithgow and Marisa Tomei that is going to be premiered at Sundance tonight), the creators used my arrangement & recording of Chopin's Berceuse in the last scene of the movie. It is quite interesting, considering the ongoing "debate" in Slovakia about "traditional family", as the film is a story of a gay couple.
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18. 1. 2014
Love is Strange
Práve som sa dozvedel,
že som "zachránil film". Tvorcovia filmu "Love is Strange" (s Alfredom Molinom, Johnom Lithgowom a Marisou Tomei, premiéra dnes večer na Sundance festivale) zaradili do záverečnej scény moje aranžmán a nahrávku Chopinovej Berceuse. Dosť zaujímavé, najmä vo svetle cirkevno-konzervatívneho rozčúlenia ohľadne "tradičnej rodiny" na Slovensku, keďže ide o homosexuálne manželstvo.
So I just learned that I "saved a movie". In Ira Sachs' "Love is Strange" (with Alfred Molina, John Lithgow and Marisa Tomei that is going to be premiered at Sundance tonight), the creators used my arrangement & recording of Chopin's Berceuse in the last scene of the movie. It is quite interesting, considering the ongoing "debate" in Slovakia about "traditional family", as the film is a story of a gay couple.
So I just learned that I "saved a movie". In Ira Sachs' "Love is Strange" (with Alfred Molina, John Lithgow and Marisa Tomei that is going to be premiered at Sundance tonight), the creators used my arrangement & recording of Chopin's Berceuse in the last scene of the movie. It is quite interesting, considering the ongoing "debate" in Slovakia about "traditional family", as the film is a story of a gay couple.
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